
Angles: What are Angles? Categories of Angles

len Alfred Ajibola - Mon, 15th July, 2019 @ 10:37 AM

Topics in Mathematics

Angles: Type of angles based on degree measurement Angle Pairs: Types of angle pairs Conversion of Number Bases explained with examples Angles: What are Angles? Categories of Angles Lines and Types in Mathematics Number Base System - Table showing the Number Bases with explanations Mathematics Scheme of Work, SS1, 3rd Term Mathematics Scheme of Work, SS1, 2nd Term Mathematics Scheme of Work, SS1, 1st Term Trigonometry - Sine, Cosine and Tangent explained with worked examples Quadratic Equation - Factorization of Quadratic Equation Algebra - Explanation and Worked Examples on Algebra

Academic Questions in Mathematics

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Decagon - Len Academy

What type of polygon is shown in the above image?

  • A. Nonagon

  • B. Decagon

  • C. Octagon

  • D. Hexagon

  • E. Hepagon

  • F. Pentagon

Which of the following is not part of a circle?

  • A. Section

  • B. Sector

  • C. Segment

  • D. Semicircle

  • E. Secant

  • F. Center

Acute Angle - Len Academy

What angle is shown in the above image?

  • A. Complementary

  • B. Supplementary

  • C. Acute

  • D. Obtuse

  • E. Reflex

  • F. Straight

An angle greater than 90o but less than 180o is termed _____.

  • A. Complementary

  • B. Supplementary

  • C. Acute

  • D. Obtuse

  • E. Reflex

  • F. Straight

Factorize 12a2 - 20a + 3

  • A. (6a - 1)(2a - 3)

  • B. (6a - 1)(2a + 3)

  • C. (6a + 1)(2a - 3)

  • D. (6a + 1)(2a + 3)

  • E. (-6a + 1)(2a - 3)

  • F. (-6a + 1)(2a + 3)

Simplify 10ab + 7ab

  • A. 17ab2

  • B. 17a2b2

  • C. 3ab2

  • D. 3a2b2

  • E. 17ab

  • F 3ab

Which of the following is not a type of angle?

  • A. Right angle

  • B. Left Angle

  • C. Acute Angle

  • D. Complete Angle

  • E. Straight Angle

  • F. Reflex angle

Two lines that can never meet each other are best considered as _____ lines.

  • A. straight
  • B. vertical
  • C. horizontal
  • D. parallel
  • E. oblique
  • F. perpendicular

What are Angles?

Angles, triangles, squares, circles, cubes, cones and cylinders are all part of geometry in mathematics.

Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of shapes, sizes and dimensions of a variety of things.

As a mathematics student, understanding angles is very important because it is vital in buildings, constructions and designs.

Sailors use angles to navigate their path along the sea while a carpenter can apply them to make beautiful designs of his job.

Amazingly, sport men and women can utilize angles in making an excellent performance. For instance, the use of angles can be applied when taking free throws in basket ball. Similarly, a footballer may utilize it to curl a free-kick into the football net.

By definition, an angle is a figure formed by two sides sharing a common endpoint.

Please read on type of angles here.

As an instance to the above definition, an angle is formed where two walls in the corner of our homes meet or at the point where the two arms of a scissors meet.

The two sides that forms the angle are called arms or rays while the endpoint where both sides meet is called the vertex.

The figure below illustrates the arms and vertex of an angle:

Arms and Vertex of Angles - Len Academy

The angle formed will depend on the amount of turn between each arm.

Angle - Len Academy

Below are some notable points from the above diagram:

  • Most times, an angle is represented by the figure .
  • The angle in the above figure can be represented as ABC.
  • The unit of an angle is in degree. This implies that angles are measured in degrees and a protractor can be used to achieve this.
  • You can read on trigonometry (sine, cosine and tangent) here.


Representation of Angles

Angles can be represented mainly in two ways. These are:

  1. By using the three letters on the shape of the specific angle. Understand that the angle is formed on the middle letter, (vertex).

    In tha above diagram, the angle will be represented as ABC

  2. By giving the angle a name. The names are often denoted with a Greek letter like α (alpha) or θ (theta). Also, we can also name the angle with lowercase letters like 'p or q'.

    Still using the above diagram as a basis, the angle will be labeled α

Please read on angle pairs here.


Categories of Angles

An angle can be categorized as either interior or exterior based on where they are formed with regards to a shape. They are shown in the image below:

Categories of Angles - Len Academy

  • Interior angles are formed inside a shape. In the above diagram, the angle is formed inside a triangle. (A triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles).

  • Exterior angles are formed outside a shape via a line extending from the adjoining sides.
    Please read on the type of lines in mathematics here.

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Amazing facts in Mathematics

The opposite sides of a dice will always give a sum of seven

31,556,926 seconds makes one year

From 0 through 1000, the only number that has the letter 'a' in it is 'one thousand'


The division symbol '÷' is actually called an obelus

Four is the only number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number (4) itself

40 is spelt as forty and not 'fourty'. It is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in alphabetical order

An odd number is a number that cannot be divisible by 2.

Every odd number has an 'e' in its spelling. They include:

  • One
  • Three
  • Five
  • Seven
  • Nine

555 in Thailand sounds like 'hahaha'. This is because the number '5' means 'ha' in Thailand

In mathematics, 10! means 10 factorial. Below is its calculation:

10! = 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 3628800

Interestingly, 3628800 seconds is the same as 42 days

42 days is the same as 6 weeks

We can therefore say that 10! equals 6 weeks or 3628800 seconds in mathematics

When you multiply 111,111,111 by 111,111,111; the result equals 12,345,678,987,654,321

Notable points in Mathematics

Let's use algebra to explain the simple statement below:

I am a number. When you subtract 3 from me, the result is 9. what number am I ?

Of course we know the answer is 12. You probably guessed it from your mind because it was that simple. The truth is, We could have a much more complicated statement of such; and that is where algebra comes into play.

Now, to apply algebra in the above statement, we use letters or alphabets to represent the unknown number(s). So using algebra, we can write:

  • Let the number be y

  • y - 3 = 9

  • y = 9 + 3

  • y = 12

Please read more on algebra here

Sides of a right angle triangle - Len Academy


The image above shows a right angled triangle. The angle of the above right triangle is denoted as θ. Below are some points to note:

Hypotenuse is always the longest side of the triangle.

Opposite is the side opposite the angle (θ)

Adjacent is the shorter side next to the angle (θ)

Each of Sin θ, cos θ and tan θ are the ratio of sides of the right triangle. They are calculated by using the formula (margic word) sohcahtoa:

Sohcahtoa - Len Academy


Sin θ = Opposite/Hypotenuse


Cos θ = Adjacent/Hypotenuse


Tan θ = Opposite/Adjacent

Please read more on sine, cosine and tangent here

Circumference of a Circle - Len Academy

Circumference in mathematics means the distance around the edge of a circle (or a another curved surface).

Circumference is to circle or any other curved surface

Perimeter of a Rectangle - Len Academy

Perimeter means the distance around a square or rectangle or polygon.

Perimeter is to square or rectangle or polygon