Literature in English past questions and Answer, 1978 JAMB, Part 2

len Alfred Ajibola - Tue, 18th June, 2019 @ 14:58: PM

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Literature in English, JAMB 1978:

Please read questions 1 - 14 here



Another shoal of cars swam past. One in particular caught his eye, a long slender thing, elegant as a swallow, all gleaming blue and silver; a thousand guineas it would have cost, he thought.

In the first sentence, cars are described in terms of

  1. birds
  2. ants
  3. fish
  4. lamp-post
  5. pretty girls


16. Point out the odd item:

  1. Raisin in the sun
  2. Twelfth Night
  3. Ozidi
  4. The Concubine
  5. Romeo and Juliet


17. An image in poetry usually gives a clue to one of the following:

  1. rhyme
  2. assonance
  3. parody
  4. theme
  5. refrain



“That year the harvest was sad, like a funeral, and many farmers wept as they dug up the miserable yams. One man tied his cloth to a tree branch and hanged himself”.

The mood conveyed here is one of

  1. excitement
  2. sadness
  3. joy
  4. triumph
  5. elation


19. One of the following terms applies to the discussion of both tragedy and comedy:

  1. climax
  2. happy ending
  3. tragic hero
  4. alliteration
  5. stanza


20. One of the peculiar features of drama in general is

  1. humour
  2. satire
  3. sarcasm
  4. action
  5. exposition


21. Dialog is important in drama because

  1. it always make the audience laugh
  2. it is like conversation
  3. it reveals the mind of the characters
  4. it makes the play last longer on the stage
  5. it makes the characters honest


 22. A good poem must

  1. be about love
  2. have a regular rhythm
  3. rhyme
  4. be difficult to understand
  5. none of the above


23. One of the following is a narrative technique in the novel:

  1. character
  2. interesting story
  3. flashback
  4. logical conclusion
  5. social relevance


24. One of these statements is true of the novel:

  1. it is an exact reproduction of historical events
  2. characters are unimportant in it
  3. it is always the story of the author’s life
  4. it deals with human experience
  5. it does not make use of imagery


25. As a character, Ozidi, in J.P. Clark’s play of that name, is ruined by

  1. too great interest in women
  2. too much love of peace
  3. excessive belief in his own powers
  4. too great dependence on his grandmother
  5. the wickedness of his enemies


26. In Twelfth Night

If music be the food of love, play on

Give me excess of it, that surfeiting,

The appetite may sicken and die.

Who made the above statement?

  1. Curio
  2. Valentine
  3. Orsino
  4. Anthonio
  5. Sir Andrew


27. Ihuoma cannot be a successful wife in “The Concubine” because

  1. she is troublesome and cruel
  2. the sea god, her spirit husband, has put a curse on her
  3. nobody wishes to marry her in the village
  4. she is too old to bear children
  5. she is a widow


28. The old and new values in “No Longer at Ease” are represented by

  1. the European Club and Joseph
  2. Obi and Clara
  3. the Umuofia Progressive Union and Obi
  4. Mr. Green and Miss Williamson
  5. none of the above


29. Achebe’s language and style in “No Longer at Ease” is remarkable

  1. for its short and simple sentences
  2. for its day-to-day expression
  3. for its reflection of the speech of the ordinary man
  4. for using the speech style of most African communities
  5. for reflecting the speech patterns of the different segments of the Nigerian society


30. In Wole Soyinka’s poem “I Think it Rains”, rain symbolizes

  1. the rise of sudden cloud from ashes
  2. loosening of parched tongues from the mouth
  3. inconveniences
  4. relief, and a feeling of goodness
  5. none of these



And your laughter like a flame piercing the shadows has revealed Africa to me beyond the snows of yesterday

shadows” in the above quotation means

  1. hazy figures which appear before the poet
  2. experiences which have hidden Africa from the poet’s view
  3. a period of suffering in the poet’s life
  4. unclear ideas which the poet has
  5. the ghosts of the dead


32. The casualties referred in “Casualties” are

  1. people killed during the civil war
  2. those who were wounded and had to endure a lot of pain
  3. those who lost their properties and relations
  4. victims of the Nigerian Civil War, both the living and the dead
  5. None of these


Read part 3 of Literature in English, 1978 JAMB here

Read part 4 of Literature in English, 1978 JAMB here. ANSWERS ARE PRESENT HERE



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