JAMB, Literature in English Past Questions and Answers, 1979, Part 3

len Alfred Ajibola - Fri, 30th August, 2019 @ 08:41: AM

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JAMB, Literature in English Past Questions and Answers, 1979 JAMB, Literature in English Past Questions and Answers, 1979, Part 2 JAMB, Literature in English Past Questions and Answers, 1979, Part 3 Economics JAMB Questions and Answers, 1979 Economics JAMB Questions and Answers, 1979, Part 2 Economics questions and answers, JAMB, 1978 Economics questions and answers, JAMB, 1978, part 2 Literature in English past questions and Answer, 1978 JAMB Literature in English past questions and Answer, 1978 JAMB, Part 2 Literature in English past questions and Answer, 1978 JAMB, Part 3 Literature in English past questions and Answer, 1978 JAMB, Part 4 JAMB past question, Biology, 1994 JAMB past question, Biology, 1994, part 2 JAMB past question, English, 2010 JAMB past question, English, 2010, part 2 List of JAMB sanctioned centers for various infraction JAMB financial outflows summary from 3rd May to 9th May, 2019

Academic Questions in JAMB

Please click here to see all Questions and Answers


Please read questions 25 - 39 here.


40. In “Kossoh Town Boy”, the hero presents his father as _____.

  1. tyrannical
  2. despotic
  3. strict
  4. weak
  5. selfish


41. Kontiki Expedition demonstrates human _____.

  1. rashness
  2. wastefulness
  3. tactlessness
  4. courage
  5. recklessness


42. Mitchali’s “Nightfall in Soweto” is about one of the following:

  1. moonlight play at night
  2. disease that attacks the body
  3. a man fighting against a dangerous animal
  4. an animal attacking a helpless man
  5. a wicked man oppressing a helpless man


43. Point out the odd item in this list.

  1. Romeo and Juliet
  2. Ozidi
  3. Tom Sawyer
  4. A Raising in the Sun
  5. Kongi’s Harvest



We returned to our places, these kingdoms:

But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation,

With an alien people clutching their gods,

I should be glad of another death.

The author of these lines is _____.

  1. W. B. Yeats
  2. Chinua Achebe
  3. Thomas Hardy
  4. T.S Eliot
  5. G. Okara


45. Peter Abraham’s “Mine Boy” is about one of the followings:

  1. oppression throughout
  2. the dignity of labour
  3. happy childhood
  4. conflict of culture
  5. none of the above


46. In a “Portrait”, a poet writes:

At mankind’s feast, I take my place

In solemn, sanctimonious state,

And have the air of saying grace

While I defile the dinner plate

The tone of the passage may be described as _____.

  1. solemn
  2. self-mocking
  3. dead earnest
  4. serious
  5. angry


47. Our attitude to the hero of George Eliot’s “Silas Marner” is one of _____.

  1. contempt
  2. fear
  3. sympathy
  4. hatred
  5. none of the above


48. Kenneth Kaunda’s “Zambia shall be Free” is a non fictional work because _____.

  1. it is about politics
  2. it has no characters
  3. it evokes no feelings
  4. it is not written by a novelist
  5. it deals with real life events



The woods decay, the woods decay and fall

The vapours weep their burthen to the ground

Man comes and fills the field and lies beneath

And after many a summer dies the swan

The theme of these lines is _____.

  1. the falling of leaves
  2. the ground on which leaves fall
  3. man as a farmer
  4. the power of death over every life
  5. the flight of death in certain seasons



A woman cried out. The policeman who was edging nearer had been joined by another. Both were edging nearer carefully and slowly. But it was not this that had made the woman cry out. She had seen one of the man’s hands slip. He was now holding on by one hand only. The crowd was tense. This was the kill. Automatically, they moved forward in a body. The doctor was in the lead.

The author of this passage creates in the reader _____.

  1. disbelief
  2. a feeling of nostalgia
  3. a feeling of lighthearted relaxation
  4. suspense
  5. unconcern


Read questons 1 - 24 here

You can read various topics on English here

You can read various topics on Literature in English here



1. C   2. B   3. D   4. B   5. D   6. D   7. D   8. B   9. D   10. D

11. D   12. E   13. E   14. D   15. E   16. C   17. A   18. C   19. E   20. D

21. A   22. A   23. C   24. E   25. D   26. B   27. C   28. C   29. B   30. B

31. C   32. C   33. A   34. C   35. A   36. B   37. B   38. C   39. A   40. C

41. D   42. E   43. D   44. D   45. D   46. B   47. C   48. E   49. D   50. D

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